7 Easiest House Plants to Care For

This post will go over the 7 plants that I find the easiest to care for and why. I will also go into how you can best take care of them.

Snake Plant

Sansevieria trifasciata

Snake plants are known as one of the easiest plants to take care of since they require little attention, can withstand low water, and have even been known to grow fine in dark conditions. To keep them happy, all you need is a little light (indirect sunlight works great) and water them once every 2 weeks or whenever the soil is dry.

Snake plants do not require pruning because the leaves grow slowly. If you want to be fancy you can dust the broad leaves to keep them clean. Just make sure not to OVER-water the snake plant and it will grow nearly anywhere in your home just fine.

Rubber Plant

Ficus elastica

Rubber plants, like snake plants, do not require much pruning. They have large leaves that grow slowly. They also do not require much water. Water once every 1-2 weeks or when the soil feels dry. Rubber plants do require slightly more light than the snake plant, but still do just fine without direct sunlight.

Another benefit of rubber plants is they are easy to propagate. You can plant a fallen leaf into soil to start a brand new rubber plant and keep it or give to a friend.


Epipremnum aureum

Another common name for pothos plants is the “Devil’s Ivy” due to their invincible qualities and ability to grow in the dark. Pothos are easy to grow, easy to propagate, and can thrive in low light. They are native to Oceania. However, in many other regions they are considered an invasive species that can easily spread and take over a forest floor. As a houseplant, they make a great one that do not require a green thumb.

To best care for pothos, allow them indirect sunlight and water every 1-2 weeks when the soil is dry. You may need to prune them if they start to spread or trail too far. However, you can plant them in a hanging basket from a high spot and let them trail down as well.


Aloe barbadensis miller

Aloe is perhaps a bit more challenging in the sense that you should only water it when the soil is dry (every 2-3 weeks), and make sure the pot has plenty of drainage, otherwise the plant is prone to rotting. It also needs more light than many of the other plants on this list – at least 6 hours of sunlight. However, if you can keep those 2 things in mind, aloe is a wonderful house plant you can keep by a sunny windowsill and enjoy. It’s great to have around in case of sunburn. If you have a sunny window spot, give growing aloe a try and see if this is the right plant for you!

Money Tree

Pachira aquatica

Unlike aloe, the money tree does not like a lot of direct light. They prefer indirect sunlight but can do fine with lower levels of light, or artificial light if you don’t have access to a window. They can be watered every 1-2 weeks and they can handle a bit more water than many of the plants on this list, making the money tree a good choice of you tend to over-water. Still, its best to avoid keeping the soil too wet and make sure the pot has adequate drainage.


Crassula ovata

Jade plants only require watering every 1-2 weeks. They are succulent and slow growing but have very long lifespans. They do prefer a bit more sun – placing them by a window or even in a windowsill works great.

ZZ Plant

Zamioculcas zamiifolia

Looking at the scientific name of the ZZ plant, it makes sense why it is commonly referred to as the ZZ plant. However, unlike how its scientific name is to pronounce, the ZZ plant is easy to take care of. It also has air purifying qualities and attractive leaves, making it a great choice for a houseplant.

ZZ plants can tolerate low light although they prefer some indirect sunlight. They do not need much water – water once every 2 weeks and let the soil dry between watering.


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