white flowers with green leaves

Interesting Plant Species Discovered in 2023

New plant species are discovered every year. Let’s take a look at some newly discovered so far in the year 2023 and some interesting details about them. Keep in mind that these plants may already be known to locals, however, they were previously un-described by botanical taxonomy and not recorded in scientific literature until now. DNA sequencing also plays a bigger and bigger part in describing new plant species.

Pinanga subterranean – note the “subterranean” in the name is not by accident. This newly discovered palm plant from Borneo actually flowers and produces fruit below ground. Animals like wild boar will dig through the earth and aid in their pollination and seed dispersal.

Pinguicula jimburensis and Pinguicula ombrophila – two new species of butterworts. They were both found in Ecuador in the rugged mountain terrain of the Andes. “Ombrophila” means “rain-loving”, and this plant gets its name from the wet conditions it lives in. This region of the Andes is often water logged with frequent rain and fog. Butterworts are fascinating carnivorous plants with leaves that excrete a sticky fluid that first attracts, then traps, and then digest insects.

Primula wolongensis – a newly discovered species of primrose found in Sichuan, China. It has dentate leaf margins and yellow flowers. Primula contains over 400 species and over 75% of them are found in China. They are known for their beautiful flowers.


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